Thursday, November 28, 2019

28 delitos agravados y graves consecuencias migratorias

28 delitos agravados y graves consecuencias migratorias Los delitos agravados, conocidos en inglà ©s como aggravated felony, son una categorà ­a de acciones- algunos felonà ­as, otros no- con consecuencias migratorias gravà ­simas. Por eso es necesario que todos los extranjero en Estados Unidos, incluidos los residentes permanentes legales, los indocumentados y las personas con visas no inmigrante o situaciones particulares como asilados, sepan cules son estos delitos agravados y quà © sucede cuando una persona ha sido condenada por uno de ellos. En este artà ­culo puedes enterarte de quià ©n decide quà © son delitos agravados, quà © acciones son calificadas asà ­, quà © se debe hacer si te acusan de uno y cules son las consecuencias desde el punto de vista de inmigracià ³n.  ¿Quià ©n decide lo que es un delito agravado? El Congreso de los Estados Unidos es quien decide quà © accià ³n es un delito agravado. Al principio sà ³lo los delitos ms graves tenà ­an esta consideracià ³n, como por ejemplo el asesinato, el homicidio, el trfico ilà ­cito de armas o el trfico de drogas. Sin embargo, con el paso de los aà ±os se fueron incluyendo otros no tan graves, incluso acciones que en algunos estados ni siquiera son delitos (felonies) y son simplemente consideradas como faltas, que se conocen en inglà ©s como misdemeanors. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta que en el momento en el que el Congreso decide que una accià ³n es delito agravado, si la has cometido incluso antes de ese momento, te conviertes automticamente en deportable. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son  los casos en los que expresamente el Congreso dice que la inclusià ³n de una nueva accià ³n en la lista de delitos agravados sà ³lo se aplicar a los que se comentan a partir de ese momento. Pero hasta este momento esto nunca ha sucedido, sino todo lo contrario: cuando se incluye en la ley migratoria una nueva accià ³n con la calificacià ³n de delito agravado aplica con carcter retroactivo, es decir, para las condenas posteriores al cambio legal y tambià ©n incluso a las condenas anteriores. Listado de acciones calificadas como delitos agravados Por sus enormes consecuencias migratorias, es muy importante saber cules son los delitos agravados o aggravated felony. Entre otros, destacan los siguientes: Abuso sexual de menores- Aquà ­ hay que tener muy en consideracià ³n las leyes de cada estado. Por ejemplo, puede suceder que se considere abuso sexual una relacià ³n consentida entre una persona de 17 aà ±os y otra de 16. Hay que estar muy atentos a las edades de consentimiento.Pornografà ­a infantilViolacià ³n y asesinatoDelitos violentos con una pena superior al aà ±o de prisià ³n.Robo y allanamiento de morada con condenas superiores a un aà ±o.Evasià ³n fiscal por encima de los $200,000, lavado de dinero y trfico en documentos fraudulentos asà ­ como revelacià ³n de informacià ³n relacionada con la seguridad nacionalPerjurio y obstruccià ³n a la Justicia en los casos de condenas superiores a un aà ±o y alteracià ³n de las placas de autosDelitos de drogas por trfico o posesià ³n de drogas- Para ms informacià ³n sobre este asunto se puede consultar la INA,  la  ley que regula Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n, ya que hay una excepcià ³n para una à ºnica pos esià ³n para consumo propio de marihuana cuando la cantidad sea inferior a 30 gramos Peticià ³n de rescates, sobornos o fraude cometido contra otra persona o el Gobierno por un monto superior a $10,000Reentrar en el paà ­s sin permiso despuà ©s de haber sido deportado. Adems, puede ser castigado hasta 2 aà ±os de crcel.Pertenencia a una mafiaFalsificacià ³n de dineroTrfico de armas o material explosivoTrfico ilegal de extranjerosNo comparecer en corte cuando se est juzgando un crimen por el que la sentencia puede ser superior a los dos aà ±osPosesià ³n de un arma sin licencia (hay una posible excepcià ³n para los residentes permanentes)Presentar una planilla de impuestos falsa (tax return)Asalto (battery)- En algunos estados es necesario un abuso fà ­sico grave o golpear duramente para cometer este delito. En otros estados, acciones que alguna gente cree que no son graves como jalar (halar, tirar) el cabello de otra persona es un delito de asalto.La violencia domà ©stica puede ser calificada de delito agravado o de inmoral. Es muy importante saber cà ³mo s e califica en un caso concreto porque las consecuencias pueden muy distintas Desde el punto de vista de inmigracià ³n, los delitos agravados tienen consecuencias negativas tanto si te condenan como autor o por haber conspirado para cometerlos, aunque no se llegaran a cometer y quedaran en grado de tentativa o de frustracià ³n. Quà © hacer ante una acusacià ³n de un delito o accià ³n que puede ser calificada como delito agravado Buscar un abogado criminalista que entienda las consecuencias migratorias. El objetivo prioritario es evitar una condena por una accià ³n que las leyes de Inmigracià ³n califican como delito agravado. Incluso pueden ser necesarios dos abogados, un especialista penal y otro migratorio. La lucha importante es evitar ser condenado por un delito que las leyes migratorias consideran como agravado. Quà © va a pasar inmediatamente despuà ©s de cumplir la sentencia por un delito agravado Una vez que se cumple la sentencia por el delito agravado comienza el problema con Inmigracià ³n. Pasas a estar en custodia migratoria, esto es, detenido. Y aquà ­ se van a dar dos posibilidades, dependiendo de tu situacià ³n migratoria, es decir, si eres un residente permanente legal o si no lo eres. Personas que no son residentes permanentes legales: pueden ser deportadas muy rpidamente, sin tener la opcià ³n de presentar su caso ante un juez de inmigracià ³n. En este caso, no pueden pedir asilo, ni tampoco una cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n (cancellation of removal, en inglà ©s). Salvo casos muy excepcionales tampoco puede pedir que se paralice momentneamente la deportacià ³n mediante lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como withholding of removal.Personas que son residentes permanentes legales: un juez de inmigracià ³n decidir si mientras se resuelve su caso tienen que permanecer detenidas o si se les fija una fianza o si pueden quedar libres dando su palabra de que se presentarn a Corte cuando se les cite. Si en el desarrollo del caso se decide que va a ser deportado casi no tiene opciones para luchar. Ningà ºn extranjero, ni residente permanente ni titular de una visa ni indocumentado que ha sido condenado por un delito agravado puede beneficiarse de una salida voluntaria. Una vez que se ha sido deportado por un delito agravado,  ¿cules son las consecuencias? El castigo es una prohibicià ³n para regresar a Estados Unidos de por vida. Es decir, nunca te van a dar ni una visa no inmigrante ni una visa de inmigrante (tarjeta de residencia) para regresar. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son los casos rarà ­simos en los que cumpliendo con muchos requisitos y despuà ©s de haber pasado diez aà ±os seguidos fuera de Estados Unidos se pide un perdà ³n especial directamente al Departamento de Seguridad Interna (Homeland Security Department). Tambià ©n se conoce como waiver o, en algunos paà ­ses, como permiso. La verdad es que es rarà ­simo que se apruebe esta clase de perdà ³n especial, se necesita tener un buen caso, ameritar el perdà ³n y contar con un abogado especialista con experiencia exitosa en este tipo de casos. Quà © ms hay que saber sobre la deportacià ³n Una condena por un delito agravado no es la à ºnica razà ³n por la que se puede deportar a un extranjero. Tambià ©n por otros delitos aunque no tengan ese calificativo y tambià ©n por los considerados  inmorales. Aunque en estos casos puede haber ms opciones para luchar, dependiendo del caso y las circunstancias de cada migrante. Tambià ©n es posible la deportacià ³n por faltas (misdemeanor) e incluso tambià ©n por violaciones migratorias. Si bien lo que causa peores consecuencias son los delitos agravados. Finalmente, para evitar problemas gravà ­simos, alà ©jate de las peleas y situaciones conflictivas y contrata a un abogado si te acusan de algo grave. Adems, conoce cules son las opciones para luchar contra una deportacià ³n en los casos en los que el problema NO es un delito agravado y cules son las prioridades de las autoridades para deportar a migrantes. Un castigo a los deportados por delito agravado a tener muy en cuenta Las personas que han sido deportadas por un delito agravado y regresan ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos pueden ser condenadas hasta 20 aà ±os de prisià ³n. Una vez que cumplen la condena sern de nuevo deportados. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. no es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Black Women Who Have Run for U.S. President

Black Women Who Have Run for U.S. President Black women are among the Democratic Party’s most loyal supporters. As such, they have buoyed everyone from white men to a black man and, now, a white woman to the top of the ticket. Unlike Hillary Clinton, a black woman has yet to win the Democratic Party’s nomination for president. But that doesn’t mean several haven’t tried. Multiple black  women have run for president- be it as Democrats, Republicans, Communists, on the Green Party ticket or that of another party. Get to know the African American women who tried to make history before Clinton did with this roundup of black female presidential candidates. Charlene Mitchell Many Americans have the mistaken belief that Shirley Chisholm was the first black woman to run for president, but that distinction actually goes to Charlene Alexander Mitchell. Mitchell ran neither as a Democrat nor a Republican but as a Communist. Mitchell was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1930, but her family later moved to Chicago. They lived in the famous Cabrini Green projects, and Mitchell took an early interest in politics, acting as a youth organizer to protest racial segregation in the Windy City. She joined the Communist Party USA in 1946, when she was just 16. Twenty-two years later, Mitchell launched her unsuccessful presidential bid with running mate, Michael Zagarell, the National Youth Director of the Communist Party. Given that the pair were only put on the ballot in two states, winning the election wasn’t just a longshot but simply impossible. That year wouldn’t be Mitchells  last in politics. She ran as an Independent Progressive for U.S. Senator from New York  in 1988 but lost to Daniel Moynihan. Shirley Chisholm Shirley Chisholm is arguably the most famous black woman to run for president. That’s because, unlike most of the black women on this list, she actually ran as a Democrat rather than on a third party  ticket. Chisholm was born on Nov. 30, 1924, in Brooklyn, New York. However, she grew up partly in Barbados with her grandmother. The same year that Mitchell launched her failed presidential bid, 1968, Chisholm made history by becoming the first black congresswoman. The following year she co-founded the Congressional Black Caucus. In 1972, she unsuccessfully ran for U.S. president as a Democrat on a platform in which she prioritized education and employment issues. Her campaign slogan was unbought and unbossed. Although she didn’t win the nomination, Chisholm served seven terms in Congress. She died New Year’s Day 2005. She was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015. Barbara Jordan Okay, so Barbara Jordan never actually ran for president, but many wanted to see her on the 1976 ballot and voted for the groundbreaking politician. Jordan was born Feb. 21, 1936, in Texas, to a Baptist minister father and a domestic worker mother. In 1959, she earned a law degree from Boston University, one of two black women that year to do so. The following year she campaigned for John F. Kennedy to be president. By this time, she set her own sights on a career in politics. In 1966, she won a seat in the Texas House after losing two campaigns for the House earlier. Jordan wasn’t the first in her family to become a politician. Her great-grandfather, Edward Patton, also served in the Texas legislature. As a Democrat, Jordan ran a successful bid for Congress in 1972. She represented Houston’s 18th District. Jordan would play key roles in both the impeachment hearings for President Richard Nixon and in the 1976 Democratic National  Convention. The opening speech she gave at the former focused on the Constitution and is said to have played a key role in Nixon’s decision to resign. Her speech during the latter marked the first time a black woman gave the keynote address at the DNC. Although Jordan did not run for president, she earned a single delegate vote for president of the convention.    In 1994, Bill Clinton awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom. On Jan. 17, 1996, Jordan, who suffered from leukemia, diabetes and multiple sclerosis, died of pneumonia. Lenora Branch Fulani Lenora Branch Fulani was born April 25, 1950, in Pennsylvania. A psychologist, Fulani became involved in politics after studying the work of Fred Newman and Lois Holzman, founders of the New York Institute for Social Therapy and Research. When Newman launched the New Alliance Party, Fulani became involved, running unsuccessfully for Lt. Governor of New York in 1982 on the NAP ticket. Six years later, she ran for U.S. president on the ticket. She became the first black independent and first female presidential candidate to appear on the ballot in each U.S. state but still lost the race.   Undeterred, she ran unsuccessfully for New York governor in 1990. Two years after that, she launched a failed presidential bid as a New Alliance candidate. She has since continued to be politically active.    Carol Moseley Braun Carol Moseley Braun made history even before she ran for president. Born Aug. 16, 1947, in Chicago, to a police officer father and medical technician mother, Braun decided to pursue a career in law. She earned her law degree from the University of Chicago Law School in 1972. Six years later, she became a member of the Illinois House of Representatives. Braun won an historic election in Nov. 3, 1992, when she became the first black woman in the United States Senate after defeating GOP rival Richard Williamson. This made her only the second African American elected as a Democrat to the U.S. Senate. Edward Brooke was the first. Braun, however, lost her reelection race in 1998. Braun’s political career didn’t come to  a halt after her defeat. In  1999, she became the U.S. ambassador to New Zealand  in which she served until the end of President Bill Clinton’s term. In 2003, she announced her bid to run for  president on the Democratic ticket but dropped  out of the race in January 2004. She endorsed Howard Dean, who also lost his bid. Cynthia McKinney Cynthia McKinney was born March 17, 1955, in Atlanta. As a Democrat, she served a half-dozen terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. She made history in 1992 by becoming the first black woman to represent Georgia in the House. She continued to serve until 2002, when Denise Majette defeated her. However, in 2004, McKinney won a seat in the House once more when Majette ran for Senate. In 2006, she lost reelection. The year would also prove to be a difficult one, as McKinney faced controversy after reportedly slapping a Capitol Hill police officer who  asked her to present identification. McKinney ultimately left the Democratic Party and ran unsuccessfully for president on the Green Party ticket in 2008.    Wrapping Up Several other black women have run for president. They include Monica Moorehead, on the Workers World Party ticket; Peta Lindsay, on the Party for Socialism and Liberation ticket; Angel Joy Charvis; on the Republican ticket; Margaret Wright, on the People’s Party ticket; and Isabell Masters, on the Looking Back Party ticket.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Police should be trained to properly respond to those individuals who Essay

Police should be trained to properly respond to those individuals who are considered mentally disturbed or mentally challenged - Essay Example A number of factors have led to the increasing interaction between police and persons with mental illness. One is that sufficient funding which is needed to grow proportionally to the increased need of these individuals is not being withheld by community support systems. Furthermore, existing crisis response services are limited in scope and are often not well-integrated. Reductions in hospital beds and services result in hospital admission only for those in acute situation, and even then, only for very short periods of time. Moreover in some situations, several police respond to a person in mental health crisis as they are trained to respond to a usual criminal emergency situation, and with a show of force and authority they may in fact escalate the trouble to a point of risking injury or death unfortunately, most often to a person having mental health problem. ("Study in Blue and Grey: Police Interventions with People with Mental Illness," 2003) Thus, this shift from institutionali zed care to community-based care and the general lack of understanding and awareness to these issues have resulted in more persons with mental dysfunction in the community to come in contact with the police. Due to the lack of comprehensive, ongoing training of police officers in the recognition of mental illness and in mental health crisis intervention as well as the absence of contact and aid from mental health and emergency services, this study is made. This essay will provide step by step solutions to make the police officers properly responsive when dealing with people with mental incapacity. New Models for Police Response Several communities have realized that the usual orders must change, and that new models should be developed that would go well with the identified needs and assets in a certain community. Some of these would be based in the mental health system, some in the police system, some are a true collaboration, and some are based in the community itself. Following are examples of models which have met success in specific communities: Police/Mental Health Team This model encompasses a specialized mental health crisis intervention team, in which plain-clothed police and mental health professionals take action in unmarked police cars. These men defuses the situation, and ensures that the person with mental illness is dealt with properly with either the provision of an appropriate medical/psychiatric care, civil certification and hospitalization or appropriate arrest and detention with psychiatric evaluation. The team is sustained by psychiatric nurses on a mental health crisis line. These nurses are called by vets when team response or on-call support to regular officers is in need. Assistance from psychiatrists are as well necessary when providing on-call advice and attending on-the-spot certifications when necessary. Example: Vancouver's Car 87.(Canadian Mental Health Association [CMHA], 2005) Reception Centre With this model, the person which is recognized to have signs of mental illness is transported to a reception centre where specially trained police or mental health professionals conduct a more thorough assessment of the patient. If necessary, they refer that person to mental health services. Examples: Knoxville, Tennessee; Los Angeles, California. ("Study in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kohlbergs Moral Stage Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kohlbergs Moral Stage Theory - Essay Example An examination of â€Å"developing structures† through which an individual makes moral judgments will enable us to understand moral development (p.54). I agree with Kohlberg’s Moral Stage Theory, and judging by its tenets of moral development I will place myself at Stage 5. At this stage, the sense of morality in me has bloomed to its full development, where I have attained the constructs of â€Å"social contract† and â€Å"legalistic orientation† and I perceive right action in terms of the alignment of citizens’ right with the behavioural standards as prescribed by the society (p.55). Through my education as well as insights from personal experience, at this stage, I, have been able to obtain necessary awareness of the â€Å"relativism of personal values and opinions† and the need to adhere to relevant rules before a specific action (p.55). Thus, when I take an action, I do not merely consider the legal aspects when deciding its propriety bu t also the rights of others as well as the impacts of my action on them, though it may not legally violate their rights. As a person involved in the study of criminal justice, I also have understood that I must be â€Å"especially sensitive† towards ethics in my personal and academic life as well as professional life in future (Pollock, 2011, p.4). In this context, law enforcement officers are endowed with a lot of power and if they use it indiscriminately, it can lead to misuse of official authority that entails in violation of human rights. However, I understand that even if police officers have immunity in most cases in respect of action against them, they should not indulge in any activity that may violate the rights of citizens. On the other hand, I also know those hat police officers an explicit responsibility to â€Å"uphold and enforce† laws, in the process of which, sometimes they may not be able to fully comply with principles of protecting the rights of othe rs.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Ethics study case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics study case - Essay Example The case illustrates two applicable facts into principle of beneficence; the employer’s act not to remove or cover the asbestos rich cables threatens harm on the employees’ lives while an act of whistle blowing threatens the organization’s corporate image and legal liability. Confidentiality is another applicable principle to the case and defines the obligation to maintain privacy of a person or institution’s sensitive information and whistle blowing puts the principle at stake. Lawfulness, another applicable ethical principle, defines the knowledge of laws and their implementation and applies to the organization that should be aware of and uphold health and safety laws and yet ignores the rules. The organization’s failure to remove or cover asbestos pipes is wrong because it contravenes principles of beneficence and lawfulness. The conflict is prioritization of the interest to safeguard the job, employees’ lives, and the organization and it affects the department’s employees at individual level, their families and the society at group level, and also the organization (Pfeiffer and Forsberg 15- 19). Options in resolving the problem from different ethical perspectives Utilitarianism defines ethics from an act’s consequence. ... re to asbestos, effects of the diseases on the employees such as death and incapacitation, and consequences on families and the society would however be more harmful than the company’s financial loss in lawsuits and from poor corporate image. This is because loss of lives or body parts is more significant than financial losses that the company may incur. This justifies ethics in whistle bowing. The scope of deontology ethics that is based on rules and obligations also justifies whistle blowing that is supported by established laws on health and safety at the work place. This is because the organization has decided to operate contrary to the rules that establish its duty to ensure a safe work environment. The general obligation to ensure safety of other members of the society also justifies whistle blowing in the case. Virtue ethics, with its basis on character such as respect of people’s lives and welfare and integrity also identifies whistle blowing as the solution tow ards protecting the employees’ lives by justifying an employee’s integrity and strong personality in raising the red flag (Brooks and Dunn 182- 188). My perceived solution My perceived solution to the case is to expose the condition to relevant agencies for appropriate measures. This would involve a formal communication to the organization’s management of intentions to seek external interventions towards protecting employees’ welfare. I would then write to both the State Department of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency to inform them of the asbestos exposure at the workplace and the organization’s position against removing or covering the asbestos cables. I would then submit a copy of each letter to the organization’s management before remittance to the agencies. The proposed

Friday, November 15, 2019

Use Of Karyotype Analysis In Genetic Counseling Biology Essay

Use Of Karyotype Analysis In Genetic Counseling Biology Essay Complete set of metaphase chromosome is called karyotype. It is widely used to detect the chromosomal abnormalities that are related to the genetic diseases and various type of cancer. As the biomedical science advances, various kinds of techniques are used to analyze the human karyotype. These karyotype analysis are widely used in genetic counseling to minimize the risk of having unfortunate. By doing so, individual and families are realized to implement the genetic testing. In genetic counseling, knowledge of karyotype analysis is greatly determined the inheritable diseases including cancer. Moreover, Pedigree construction based on Mendelian principles is used in old days to know the pattern of inheritance. In recent year, FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization), PCR (polymerase chain reaction), CGH (comparative genomic hybridization) and SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) arrays are developed for the promising future of human genetics. Among them FISH is the most currently diagnostic tool for the various chromosomal aberrations that can be visible in karyotype analysis. The most tested chromosomes are 13, 18, 21, 22, X and Y that account for 85% of chromosomal abnormalities (Rodrigo et al., 2010). But now, genetic scientists have been carried out the approaches towards all chromosome analysis. On the other hand, the high risk society is greatly interested to do pre pregnancy counseling to reduce the inheriting defective gene for the next generation . Therefore, use of karyotype analysis is more and more improved in genetic counseling for the screening and diagnosis as well as the treatment and prevention. Karyotyping Karyotype construction and analysis is the powerful diagnostic method to identify the chromosomal studies in human genetic. Karyotyping is usually done at the metaphase of cell cycle in which the chromosome structure is the most condensed. Therefore, it is also known as complete set of metaphase chromosome (Nie et al., 1998). There are 46 chromosomes in human (22 autosomes and sex chromosomes). Karyotype show the number of chromosomes, the sex chromosome content, the presence or absence of individual chromosomes and the nature and extent of any structural abnormalities. Karyotyping can be accessed under a microscope to examine the number and structural variants which must be size of 3 Mb or more. Only DNA sequencing can be observed smaller alterations (Klein and Tibboel, 2010). Chromosomes in human karyotype are categorized into seven depend on their bands after staining procedure. Each group is arranged into A to G defined by size and centromere position. These banding patterns help to identify specific defect regions on the chromosome. Thus, the any defect in chromosome region can be described as an accurate address. For example; 1q2.4 defines as chromosome number 1, q arm, region 2 and the banding 4 (Trask, 2002). Method For karyotype construction, the specimen can be taken from the white blood cell, skin cells, amniotic fluid cells and the chorionic villus cells. Then the cells are prepared to enter the mitosis and arrested in the stage of metaphase. Moreover, these preparations are treated with trypsin and staining to get the banding pattern. After that, video camera attached microscope directly send the images to the computer to generate the karyotypes (Yang et al., 2000). Generally, it could be used to determine if chromosome of an adult have abnormality or defect that can be passed on to a child. The origin of complex chromosomal defect is identified by using standard G-band procedures, fluorescent staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). FISH is a recent technology to detect the specific chromosome structure by using particular DNA probes. This method is more accurate and enables to see the micro-deletion and exact break point involved in each chromosome (Ligon et al., 2997). Doing the karyotype analysis is benefit in pregnant women at the age of 35 and having the history of previous child with defect. Because of the risk of chromosome abnormalities dramatically increased in advanced maternal age and if the mother is an X-linked carrier, the recurrent risk is 1 to 2%. Therefore, antenatal screening tests including karyotyping are carried out to a defined population who are at risk of having a specific condition. Different tests are done in different stages of pregnancy. Chorionic villus sampling is offered at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, Amniocentesis is done at 16 weeks and fetal blood sampling is carried out at 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. Although these all procedures are having risk of miscarriage, they are suitable for the chromosomal and DNA analysis (Callen et al., 1988). Especially, for the detecting of trisomies in chromosome 13, 18, 21, X and Y which account for more than 85% of all fetal aneuploidies. As a benefit, if a couple with a known risk to offspring, they can choose options to avoid or plan further pregnancy. If the male partner is affected, the couple has option for artificial insemination of sperm from a donor. If the female is affected with a dominant condition or X-linked carrier, the couple has option for egg donation from another female. Moreover, the relatively new procedure is pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Initially, this process requires in vitro fertilization. If the fertilization occurred, one cell is removed from the stage of blastocyst and then investigated for the chromosomal disorder. If there is no defect, it will be returned to the uterus (Fukuda et al., 2007). In the molecular genetics, DNA testing is divided into four main categories which are diagnostic testing, carrier detection, pre symptomatic testing for adult onset diseases and prenatal diagnosis. In the genetic counseling, karyotype analysis is widely used in carrier detection incase of balanced translocation carrier, autosomal dominant recessive, X-linked female carrier disorder in order to evaluate the risk of having an affected child. Furthermore, karyotyping can be used as a pre symptomatic or predictive test in some individual who are at risk of an adult onset disorder to determine whether or not they carry the mutated gene for these disorders. This test is value for autosomal dominant condition because of having a chance is 50% if one parent is affected. For example, familial adenomatous polyposis, colon cancer, Huntington disease (Bodmer et al., 1991). Chromosomal aberrations Abnormalities of the chromosomes, these are large enough to be visible under the light microscope are termed chromosomal aberrations. They are usually classified into numerical abnormalities and structural abnormalities. Numerical aberration is the disordered of chromosome due to error in separation of chromosome in cell division. Aneuploidy represents gain or loss of a specific whole chromosome due to failure of paired chromosome in meiosis. The one with extra copy of chromosome is called trisomy and the one with missing copy of that chromosome is called monosomy. These can be seen either autosome or sex chromosome. Autosomal trisomy will result in early miscarriage and monosomy of an autosomal chromosome is not compactable with life. Autosomal trisomy is associated with increased maternal age (Harper et al., 1995). Similarly, polyploidy represents a complete extra set of chromosomes due to fertilization by two sperms (dispermy) or failure in maturation divisions of either the eggs or the sperm. For examples, triploidy and tetraploidy depending on the number of extra sets of chromosomes. Triplody occurs in 2% of all conception but early spontaneous abortion is usual (Munne and Cohen, 1998). The most commonly seen autosomal aneuploidies are trisomy 21-Downs syndrome (47, XX, +21 or 47, XY, +21), trisomy 18-Edwards syndrome (47, XX, +18 or 47, XY, +18), trisomy 13-Pataus syndrome (47, XX, +13 OR 47, XY, +13). Sex chromosomal aneuploidies are Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY), XYY syndrome (47, XYY), Triple X syndrome (47, XXX) and Turner syndrome (45, X). Autosomal monosomy is mostly lethal and autosomal trisomy is relatively more common (Rodrigo et al., 2010). The commonest autosomal trisomies are Downs syndrome, Patau syndrome and Edwards syndrome. The kayotype of Downs syndrome is 47, +21, an extra copy of chromosome 21. It occurs in 1 in 900 live births and leading cause of childhood mental retardation and heart defect (Wald et al., 1997). Patau syndrome is usually found at the time of doing cytogenetic analysis in malformed children. It also revealed extra chromosome at chromosome number 13 (47, +13) (Rasmussen et al., 2003). Another trisomy is the Edwards syndrome (47, +18). It accounts for a frequency of 1 in 11,000 live births (Massiah et al., 2008). Aneuploidy of the sex chromosome Aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes is more common than the autosomal aneupolidy but have less impact. Unlike the autosome, monosomy for Y chromosome is always lethal whereas monosomy for the X chromosome is a viable condition. The commonest syndromes that have ever seen in clinical setting are Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Triple X syndrome and XYY syndrome (Smith et al., 1960). Monosomy of X chromosome results in 45, X karyotype due to non-disjunction in either parent. It is estimated that 1% of all conception from which 95 to 99% of all 45, X embryos die before birth. They have significant defect in height, sexual development and fertility but there is no mental retardation (David et al., 1986). The karyotype of Klinefelter syndrome is 47, XXY. The extra X chromosome of maternal origin is 56% and paternal is 44%. It is usually arise from non-disjunction at either the first or second meiotic division (Lamb et al., 1996). For example, if the father produces XY sperm that is cross over with maternal X ovum to produce XXY. This is the single commonest cause of hypogonadism and infertility in male. Overall the birth incidence of 47, XXY is 1 in 1000 male with an increased risk at maternal age and azoospermatic infertile males (Steinberger et al., 1965). And the karyotype of super female syndrome is 47, XXX which also known as triple X syndrome. It is usually appears as clinically normal but 15- 25% are mildly mentally handicapped. About three quarter of the affected females is fertile of which one- half of their offspring would expect to have this syndrome (Michalak et al., 1983). Furthermore, another karyotype defect associated with personality disorder is 47, XYY syndrome. It is firstly noted in 1965 cytogenetic survey in male for violent and dangerous antisocial behavior and about 4.5% of the males in this survey were shown as XYY karyotype. The frequency of having this characteristic karyotype in general population is 1 in 1000 birth according to the sub sequent studies. The recurrence risk for the offspring would be 2XXY : 2XY : 1XX : 1XYY due to production of YY sperm at the second meiotic division or post-fertilization non-disjunction of the Y (Staessen et al., 2003). Structural aberration is the disordered in the structure and shape of the chromosome resulting from chromosomal breakage and error in rejoin mechanisms. Translocation is the transfer of chromosomal material between non-homologous chromosomes but there is no DNA loss. Three recognizable translocations are reciprocal, centric fusion (Robertsonian) and insertion. The one important thing in translocation is the balanced reciprocal translocation which occurs in two non-homologus chromosomes (Michael and Malcolm, 1997). In normal population, 1 in 500 are known balanced carrier and they are clinically healthy but they can give a problem when they reproduce. It is possible for the balanced translocation carrier to pass on the translocation in unbalanced form that can lead to miscarriage and physical or developmental problem (Munne et al., 2000). Deletion is the loss of a part of chromosome that can cause phenotypic effect because of the loss of gene. For a deletion to be seen in karyotype analysis, the amount of deletion must be large. It may also occur as a result of an unbalanced translocation (Barber, 2005). Although deletion of a small piece of chromosome is not a serious problem, deletion of entire chromosome is lethal. Therefore, only a few viable conditions are found in large deletion. These are the listed below; Adapted from Human Heredity Principles and Issues, seventh edition, 2006 Region of deletion Related disease 5p- Cri du chat syndrome 11q- Wilms tumour 13q- Retionblastoma 15q- (maternal uniparental disomy) Prader- Wills syndrome 15q- (paternal uniparental disomy) Angelman syndrome Cri du chat syndrome is caused by deletion in short arm of chromosome 5 and incidence is 1 in 100,000 births (Cerruti, 2001). A characteristic feature of the affected child is having a sound of cat like cry (Niebuhr, 1978). The phenotype is slightly different depend on their chromosome break point. There are two regions of break point in the short arm of chromosome 5 have been identified in this syndrome. Loss of chromosome segment in 5p15.3 results in abnormal larynx development and deletion in 5p15.2 is associated with mental retardation (Overhauser et al., 1994; Simmons et al., 1995). Prader-Willi syndrome and Angleman syndrome are caused by deletion in region 15q11-13 or by uniparental disomy (Ledbetter, 1981). If both copies of chromosome are inherited from the father, the child will have Angelman and from the mother, the child will have Prader-Willi syndrome (Horsthemke, 1996). The incidence of Prader-Willi is 1 in 10, 000 whereas Angelman is 1 in 20, 000 live birth (Clayton-Smith, 1993; Petersen et al., 1995). Characteristic feature of Prader Willi syndrome is sleepiness and Angelman is bouts of laughter (Zori et al., 1992). These cytogenetic microdeletions in the long arm of chromosome 15 can be visible by using either FISH (fluoresce in situ hybridization) or DNA analysis with probes from the deleted region (Nicholls, 1994). The others structural abnormalities include duplication, inversion and mosiacism and the rare structural variants are fragile site, heteromorphisims, isochromosome and ring chromosome. Cancer genetics Some of the cancer can be detected by karyotype analysis. The connection between chromosome rearrangement and cancer is evident in leukemia. The specific chromosome translocation between chromosome 9 and 22 is called the Philadelphia chromosome. That can be used as well defined diagnostic tool and prognostic factor. Moreover, this specific translocation is associated with other forms of cancer including Burkitts lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Chromosome translocation associated with haematological cancers Translocation site Type of cancer t(9;22) Chronic myeloid leukemia (Rajasekariah et al., 1982) t(8;14), t(8;22), t(2;8) Burkitts lymphoma (Margrath, 1990) t(8;21) acute myeloblastic leukemia (Oshimura et al., 1976) t(4;18) follicular lymphoma (Fleischman and Prigogina, 1977) t(4;18) acute lymphocytic leukemia (Oshimura et al., 1977) The proportion of leukemia with a heritable component has been estimated as 25% in monozygotic twin. Risk to sibs in childhood leukemia is 2- 4 times higher than the population incidence. The risk of a relative developing Hodgkins disease is seven fold higher than other (Kelly, 1992). Genetic counseling Genetic counseling should be offered to both parents and must give adequate time under appropriate setting. Depth of explanation should be matched to education background of the couples, outlining of clinical features, complication, natural history, prognosis and effective management (Frets et al., 1991). Simple Explanation of the genetic basic of the condition with the aids of diagram and recurrent risk calculation should be carried out (Sermon, 2002). Furthermore, genetic counselor can give the suggestion to reduce the risk of having disorder. The options are no further pregnancy, adoption, in vitro fertilization with pre implantation diagnosis, artificial insemination-AID by donor (egg donation), termination pregnancy, OR ignore and accept the risk (Zare et al., 1973). AID is performed for husband with AD trait or both are carrier for a serious AR (Taranissi, 2005). The important thing in genetic counseling must be non- judgemental and non-directive. The aim is to deliver a balanced version of the facts which will permit the consultants to reach their own decision with regard to their reproductive future. In UK, congenital disabilities act of 1976 legal action can be brought against a person whose breach of duty to parents results in a child being born disabled, abnormal or unhealthy. Prenatal diagnosis with selective termination of pregnancy became a reality in UK with the abortion ACT OF 1967 (Macintyre, 1973). AD trait is the risk to each child of an affected person is 1 in 2. Disorder has high penetrance, most dominant trait shows variable expression. AR trait for the carrier parents, the risk recurrence risk is 1 in 4 diseases, 2 in 3 chance of being carrier (Yoshikawa and Mukai, 1970). In X-linked recessive trait, if females are obligate carrier, one half of her sons will be affected and one half of her daughter will be carrier. If affected male reproduce, there will be normal sons and carrier daughters. Nowadays, biochemical tests may be available for carrier detection, but because of X inactivation few of these are absolute and this information needs to be combined with the pedigree risk using Bayes theorem (Markova et al., 1984). Conditions need for genetic counseling and investigation (Watson et al., 1992) 1. Infertility one in ten of all couples are involuntarily infertile, such a couple need chromosomal analysis to exclude a balanced structural rearrangement and Klinefelter syndrome. 2. Recurrence miscarriage one of six pregnancy ends as a spontaneous miscarriage. 3-5% of cases have a balanced structural rearrangement 3. Still birth 4. Perinatal death with multiple malformations Conclusion The benefit of karyotype analysis in high risk population provides the prevention and early management options to minimize the risk. As the genetic science development, researchers and clinician have more advanced diagnostic tool like multiplex PCR, SNP microarray, CGH (comparative genomic hybridization) to identify the far more complex chromosome abnormalities. Although karyotyping by FISH can detect both balanced and unbalanced translocation, uniparental disomy can only be detected by SNP arrays and high output sequencing. Despite the high cost, enormous benefit can be found for the society to evaluate the superior treatment protocols and genomic technologies for the future.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Fabulous Fifties Essay examples -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some may call it the â€Å"fabulous fifties,† but others call it a time of â€Å"tensions and insecurities.† Several people think back on the fifties and remember them as the â€Å"good old days,† while others think of it as a time of crisis and terror. Although Americans were faced with many hardships throughout the fifties, I think that the positive aspects such as the new technologies, growing economy, higher focus on education, and growing job opportunities of the era outnumber the negative aspects, such as racism that African Americans faced, and the changing roles of women, making the fifties an overall â€Å"happy† period in American history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fifties are characterized as a watershed period, due to the unparallel growth and change that America socially and economically experienced after WWII. In the years during the War and the Depression there was high employment, low inflation and a yearning for normalcy, and stability in many Americans lives. The fifties changed all of this providing the American culture with prosperity by way of network television, air conditioning, computers, jet travel, a national highway system, chain hotels, and franchised fast food that made businesses boom. The fifties are also characterized as a golden age when everything was simple and innocent. People had peace and prosperity due to the war ending, and they expressed their feelings of excitement and anticipation through their clothing with men dressing in suits and hats, and women in dresses, stockings and heels, and by going out dancing to big bands downtown, and experimenting with the new technologies and organizations of the time. With World War II bringing thousands of men back to America seeking new lives and opportunities, the US experienced an economic expansion like it had never seen before. During the middle of the twentieth century wages increased 22%, family income went up from $3,000 to $5,400, and the Gross National Product increased from $206 billion to $440 billion. In order for the country to meet the demands of the massive consumptions of the American people, industries had to expand and create more efficient ways of selling there products through advertisements, which as a result provided citizens with more job opportunities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In my opinion I think that the fifties were defian... ...greater emphasis on engineering and mathematics, which provided a boom in many of these careers. The Government began building technical institutes focused on scientific, and space research encouraging Americans to further their education in these areas. After the Sputnik event, the US economy began to fall. Unemployment grew, and problems were erupting in the White House. Sherman Adams was dismissed for taking bribes, and many people were becoming to think that life was not as good as they thought it was. To many the fifties was a period when the United States prospered and dominated much of the world’s economy, a time when girls wore poodle skirts and guys wore leather jackets and danced around to Elvis and rock & roll. When Americans began to take advantage of leisure time experiencing new inventions like hula-hoops, Barbie dolls, becoming active in sports like baseball and football, and making television a dominant part of mass media. Although it was also a time when society underwent world shattering changes, it was a period in history that helped stabilized a country that just got out of war and prepared America for the changes that it experiences in the upcoming years.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Malaysian airline Essay

Purposes: In general, a brand’s reputation of Airlines Company might be very important in the eye of people (society). In fact, brand is consider as a promise to customers â€Å"setting up expectations† and with a strong brand it deliver on what it promises by the development of a strong reputation (Aaker 2009, p. 3). This approach seems particularly well suited to the reputation of Airlines Company, in which their brand’s reputation as image can be describe as a very important aspect. The goal of this study is to assess and analyses on the implication of accident to the reputation of Malaysia Airlines (MAS). In this project, I will explore how the reputation of MAS is affected, after the accident on 8 March 2014 (BBC 2014). In particular, I will focus on how MAS’s reputation and brand is significantly damaged by the disappearance of Flight MH370 and how to fix and rebuilding their reputation  and brand’s image after the accident happen. Therefore , the questions arise on how to convince and ensure the safety of MAS in their future operations. Also, the study will examine, test and attempt to measure the trust level of a customer’s perspective (the situational approach) towards MAS reputation after the tragedy occurred. Background: In this age, reputation and brand is become one of essential part of business environment. According to Brigham (2010) claims a business’s most valuable asset is its good name, brand and reputation, as a result brand reputational value is irreplaceable and company must protect it (Brigham 2010, p. 1). Hence, the accident on Flight MH370 is apparently affected the brand and reputation of MAS. As a result, I choose this topic, since it was the current issue in the eye of people around the world, due to the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370 went missing less than an hour after take off. Also, the other reason I’m interested to select this issue, because I believe this accident will give a huge impact which can tarnish to the business reputation of MAS. Thus, this topic is important issue now, because it not just involves the company itself, but it related to international accident. Furthermore, I will conduct my study in a literature review, observe the general p eople discussion regarding MH370 Flight incident, and take a survey and interview randomly in Sydney about the mystery of disappearance of MH370. Scope: I will engage in literature review, in order to collect secondary data which is available on the news over a six-week period, from 1 April to 13 May 2014 for approximately 6 hour per week. I will typically observe the discussion of general people regarding the mystery of missing plane MH370 and stay around ten to fifteen minutes in order to observe other people perspective’s in the way they talk, feel and express about MAS reputation after the accident occurred. On some days I may come at other times of the day for survey. In this case, I will make a questionnaire regarding the people perspective’s generally of MAS reputation after the MH370 Flight incident. This questionnaire will be given to a random people whom I meet in Sydney (city area) and I will distribute the questionnaire also by email and other social networking sites. Moreover, I will schedule structured  interviews, but I will interview randomly to a general people in Sydney as informal question re garding their opinion and judgement about MAS reputation after the missing plane MH370, as needed to clarify and provide insight perspective of MAS reputation’s value into specific conversations. Theoretical framework: I will be guided most generally by the concept of branding in the International Marketing field, since branding is develop a company reputation in long term and it may be consider as one of the most important decisions made by marketing managers (Kohli, 1997, p. 206). The concept of branding leads to build a reputation in the mind of consumer as company image (identity) as seen from the outside and it about company brand is who they are, what is their strength, integrity and reputation, so its not simply on how company logo is displayed, but rather than that, it involves the emotional and intellectual response to target audiences (Stine 2008, p. 2). The corporate reputation can be consider as corporate image which is content identify, image, prestige, goodwill, esteem and standing (Wartick2002 as cited in Dolphin 2004, p. 81). Also, the corporate reputation is most influenced by the actions of an organization rather than a successful of PR campaign (Lewis 2001, p. 31). Consequently, based on research a good reputation allows a company to easily attract customers companies by the establishment of reputation for delivering high-quality products and service (Ngwese and Zhang 2007, p. 30). Research show that a firms’ reputation is consider to the success or failure of its brands, so it is very important for a firm to maintain or advance their reputation (Herbig and Milewicz 1993, p. 18). In addition, research show a good corporate reputation leads firms to enhance financial and market performance, as a result the corporate reputation appears to emerge as a critical dimension of benchmarking of a firm performance (Lee and Roh 2012, p. 649). Hence, it is very important to get a good reputation; company must be truthful, reliable and consistent about the offering product or service in order to get a customer loyalty (Melewar, Nguyen and Abimbola 2013, p. 1). Brands and brandings have such a profound impact on the society as whole a not just on people who buy or used their product and service, thus an ethical brand enhances the firm’s reputation, since such a good reputation  reinforces the brand in turn (Fan 2005, p. 341). However, any unethical behaviour of misconduct will severely damage or even destroy the total intangible asset of company, so in order to retain and advance company name, marketing managers must concern and implement 6Cs of corporate marketing which are corporate identity, corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate reputation must be integrated under the umbrella title of corporate marketing (Fan 2005, p. 341 and Balmer & Greyser 2006, p. 730). According to Kotler and Keller (2006), brands are very important for both the company and the consumers, because brands indentify the source or maker of a product and service and allow consumers either individuals or organization to assi gn responsibility to a particular manufacture or distributor (Kotler and Keller 2006 as cited in Ngwese and Zhang 2007, p. 19). In this case, the brand reputation can be good or bad, strong or weak, its depend on how the company maintain their performance of reputation and it crystallizes how people feel about that reputation based on whatever information they have about the brand is regarded and respected (Ngwese and Zhang 2007, p. 31). I am exploring the meanings of brand reputation of MAS which is apparently affected after MH370 Flight incident. In this research, I hope to achieve the solution on how to fix and rebuilding the reputation of MAS Company and find the solution on how to get a trust back from customer itself. Also, find the way on how to maintain the customer loyalty after accident happen. Moreover, conclude the outcome on how far the correlations regarding brand reputation can affect the consumer’s perception. At the end, get the results regarding on the current level of customers’ confidence and trust in general people towards MAS reputation. Method: 1. Conduct a literature review on the implication of accident to the reputation of MAS. 2. Observe the discussion of general people about the mystery of missing plane MH370, for example: in collage or in a public place if somebody or friends talk about MAS Flight incident. Therefore, I will come closely and have a discussion with them in order to observe their opinion and judgement  regarding their own way on how they talk, feel and express their perspectives about MAS reputation. 3. Interview randomly to a general people in Sydney (city area) to clarify and provide insight into conversations. Thus, I will try to conduct these interviews shortly after conversation of interest to a general people who discusses regarding the accident to the reputation of MAS. The common strategy for the interviews is to begin with broad and general questions and follow up on the interviewee’s response in order to capture the person meanings and get their perception and to avoid imposing my meanings on the interviewee. I will use structured interviews in order to ensure that answer can be reliably aggregated (consistent), also it can reach a large sample, so a representative sample is possible can be used to make statements. While the interviews will not be formal but it structured, it more likely as informal and the kinds of questions I will ask include the following: a. What do you feel regarding the mystery of missing plane MH370? b. What do you think about the reputation of MAS after the accident occurred recently? c. What do you think that MAS should do in order to solve the tragedy of missing plane MH370? d. Do you still believe that MAS have a good reputation after the MH370 Flight incident? e. If you have a chance to travel going to overseas, do you still have trust to fly with MAS, despite the missing Flight MH370? f. Do you believe that MAS will improve their management of security and safety as their offered the flying service in the future? 4. Conduct a simple survey by a questionnaire paper regarding the people perspective’s generally of MAS reputation after the MH370 Flight incident. This questionnaire will be given to a random people whom I meet in Sydney (city area) and I will distribute the questionnaire also by email and other social networking sites. The reasons, I’m using questionnaires because it’s practical (I can do and conduct), realistic, sensible, handy, useful and convenient method. The outcome of conduct questionnaires can usually be quickly and easily interpret the result. 5. Write a research report that combines my understanding of own horizon and perception of the relevant theory and previous research with the outcomes of my empirical research. Simple Gantt chart: Limitations: Time constraints (limitation) of the semester require less time than may be ideal for research study. By collecting secondary data for only six hours a week for six-weeks, there are bound to be very difficult to evaluate the accuracy of secondary data, and the quality of internal secondary data may be exaggerated or biased, since I rely on secondary data from the news. Being an outsider may also limit what is revealed to me. The interview and survey it can be difficult to obtain reliable data on attitudes, opinion and values (unless validated questionnaires are used). Delimitations: I am choosing to not find the data from primary resources which is not available (not exist) and it’s not allowing the access of data. Thus, I’m used the secondary data from the news which is available, in order to look a broader of perspective regarding the understanding of general people in society towards the reputation of MAS. It is often cheaper and it saves time than doing primary research. Additionally, I will not use unstructured interviews because; a lot more time consuming in comparison to other research methods and it can be difficult to interview a large sample, affecting the data’s generalise and representativeness, also prone to digression and much of the data collected might be worthless. References Aaker, J 2009, ‘Building Innovative Brands’, Stanford Graduate School of Business, pp. 1-38, viewed 5April 2014, . Balmer, M.T.J and Greyser, S.A 2006, ‘Corporate Marketing: Integrating corporate identity, corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate reputation’, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40 Iss: 7/8, pp.730 – 741, Emerald, viewed 2 April 2014 BBC 2014, ‘Missing Malaysia Airlines plane’, News Asia, viewed 1 April 2014, Brigham, A. F 2010, ‘Your Brand Reputational Value Is Irreplaceable Protect It!’, Forbes, pp. 1, viewed 5April 2014, . Dolphin, R. R 2004, ‘Corporate reputation – a value creating strategy’, Corporate Governance, Vol. 4 Iss: 3, pp.77 – 92, Emerald, viewed 4 April 2014 Fan, Y 2005, ‘Ethical branding and corporate reputation’, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 10 Iss: 4, pp.341 – 350, Emerald, viewed 2 April 2014 Herbig, P and Milewicz, J 1993, ‘The relationship of reputation and credibility to brand success’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 10 Iss: 3, pp.18 – 24, Emerald, viewed 5April 2014 Kohli, C 1997, ‘Branding consumer goods: insights from theory and practice’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol. 14 Iss: 3, pp. 206 – 219, Emerald, viewed 5April 2014 Lee, J and Roh, J.J 2012, ‘Revisiting corporate reputation and firm performance link’, Benchmarking: an International Journal, Vol. 19 Iss: 4/5, pp.649 – 664, Emerald, viewed 3 April 2014 Lewis, S 2001, ‘Measuring corporate reputation’, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 6 Iss: 1, pp.31 – 35, Emerald, viewed 4 April 2014 Melewar, T.C, Nguyen, B and Abimbola, T 2013, ‘Corporate branding, identity, image and reputation (COBIIR)’, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 31 Iss: 5, pp. 1, Emerald, viewed 3 April 2014 Ngwese, E.R and Zhang 2007, ‘Brand Reputation in International Marketing’, Master of Science in International Marketing, pp. 1-65, University of Halmstad, viewed 4 April 2014, . Stine, G 2008, ‘The Nine Principles of Branding’, Polaris Inc. Branding Solutions, pp. 1-33, viewed 5April 2014, .

Friday, November 8, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example

Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Corporate social responsibility is a concept that has been around for decades. It emerged as an issue when law makers, stakeholders, and the general public began focusing on ethical and responsible corporate behavior, also referred to as corporate citizenship (Carroll, A. , 1998). According to Carroll (1998), there are four facets of corporate citizenship. These facets are: 1) corporate fulfilling their economic responsibilities and be profitable, 2) corporate obeying the law, 3) corporate being ethically responsible, and 4) corporate making charitable contributions, however, defining socially responsible corporate behavior Is not a straightforward exercise (Campbell, J. L. , 2007, p. 950). According to Campbell (20071 socially responsible behavior may vary depending on ones point of view. Therefore, care must be taken In how the concept Is used and defined. In Dalton, Campbell (2007) discusses the behavioral threshold below which describes how some corporations no longer behave in socially responsible ways, as well as focusing on conditions of why firms are more likely to behave in socially responsible ways. Campbell explores relationships between the economic health of the company and the likelihood of its Ewing socially responsible. Based on the information described above, we will analyze the corporate citizenship policy of our selected corporation, Cataracts. Cataracts was founded in 1971 in Cattles historic Pike Place Market. It started as a narrow storefront offering some of the worlds finest fresh-roasted whole bean coffees. The whole concept of good coffee and a place for conversation and community inspired Howard Schultz to purchase Cataracts in 1987. Since then, Cataracts has grown exponentially. Based on SEC Quarterly filings, Cataracts netted $10. 4 million in earnings in its May 1996 IQ filing and just eight years later, $540. 7 million in its January 2014 IQ filing. We will analyze its corporate social responsibilities as defined by Campbell (2007), to determine the relationship between its healthy financial condition and its social responsible behavior. In addition, we will make recommendations on what actions Cataracts needs to take or continue to take with regard to their corporate social responsibility. It is one thing for a company to state Its social responsibilities for Its public Image, and another to actually carry them through. Before we delve into the analysis of Cataracts corporate social responsibilities, we determined whether Cataracts actually has a defined corporate social responsibility policy. According to Cataracts website, It projects to the public Its commitment to be good neighbors In the community, offer high-quality, ethically purchased and responsibly produced products, be environmentally responsible, and continue with Its goals to learn more In the area of corporate social responsibility (Cataracts, 2014). Corporate Social Responsibility By dolphins defining socially responsible corporate behavior is not a straightforward exercise (Campbell, J. L. , 2007, p. 0). According to Campbell (2007), socially must be taken in how the concept is used and defined. In addition, Campbell (2007) IQ filing and Just eight years later, $540. 7 million in its January 2014 IQ filing. We It is one thing for a company to state its social responsibilities for its public image, actually has a defined corporate social responsibility policy. According to Cataracts website, it projects to the public its commitment to be good neighbors in the products, be environmentally responsible, and continue with its goals to learn more in the area of corporate social responsibility (Cataracts, 2014).

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Epicureanism and stoicism

Epicureanism and stoicism Epicureanism Epicureanism can be regarded as the philosophy of Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived between 341 and 270 B.C (Konstan, pars. 1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Epicureanism and stoicism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Epicureanism constitutes an interdependent system that harbours the following views: the main purpose of human life as being the achievement of happiness as a result of absence of physical â€Å"pain and mental disturbance†; empirical approach to knowledge; utilization of atomic materialism in the describing nature; and finally a natural account of evolution, from earth formation to human civilization (Annas 20). In his physical theory Epicurus believed that the basic constituents of nature were undifferentiated matter, in the form of discrete, solid and indivisible particles which fell below the threshold of perception, in addition to empty space (Konstan, pars. 4). He created a distinction between the atom which cannot be broken due to its nature, and the leased conceivable volume of matter. He asserted that atoms could be described as being minima as parts but were not minima themselves (Annas 23). Epicurus described the human soul as being composed of atoms. He asserted that everything was basically made of atoms and space. Secondly, he pointed out that an entity that was basically incorporeal was incapable of acting or being moved by along with the body in the way the soul does. He often maintained that the atoms of the human soul were principally fine and were distributed in all parts of the body. He attributed the ability to sense and experience pain or pleasure to the presence of these atoms all over the body. He further explained that a human body devoid of the soul atoms was unconscious and inert and that when the soul atoms were disarranged in a â€Å"manner that it could no longer support conscious life, the soul’s atoms are scattered and could no longer retain the ability to sense† (Barnes 56). On the platform of radical materialism which was in line with the ideas of Plato, Epicurus argued that the human soul had no chance of surviving after death and hence punishment in the afterlife was unlikely. He linked the fearful nature of human beings towards death to the prospect of punishment in the afterlife. According to him, the fear was the main cause of anxiety in individuals.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This anxiety in turn resulted into extreme and irrational ideas (Konstan, pars. 6). He believed that if the fears and the resultant desires were done away with, then humans will be left to seek pleasures, both physically and mentally, and to which they are naturally obliged to follow. Epicureanism explained how the irrational fears come up and thus gave meaning to the concept of an evolv ing society. However, Epicurus acknowledged that behaviours of thought that were profoundly ingrained in individuals could not be changed easily. The philosophy of Epicurus was based on the theory that all good and bad derive from the sensations of pleasure and pain (Konstan, pars.6). Anything that is good was thus considered to be pleasurable while all bad things were seen as painful. Thus pleasure and pain formed the basis for the moral distinction between what can be said to be good or bad (Long 105). Pleasure as defined by Epicurus stood for the absence of pain but different scholars and rival schools of thought have often misinterpreted it to mean the uncontrolled quest for pleasure. What he really meant was the absence of mental and physical pain which could result in a state of calmness that is devoid from any fear. Epicurus usually warned against excesses because they often resulted in pain. For example, he was against ardent pursuit of love. He encouraged friendships but on ly defined them as essential components to the achievement of pleasure. He discouraged people against fearing death by claiming that when one dies, he doesn’t feel pain of death due to the fact that he no longer exists and therefore feels nothing (Long 106). Epicurus believed that the Gods were neutral and were not in anyway interfering with human life. He asserted that the gods too were composed of atoms and had souls which were constituted by atoms. But unlike the souls in human beings, those found in the gods were held forever. According to Epicureanism, gods did not bother themselves with human beings. They neither punished the evil nor rewarded the righteous. He associated the gods with eternal happiness that was to be emulated by humans. The problem of evil is explained in the epicurean paradox that asserts â€Å"God is omnipotent, God is goo, but evil exists† (Konstan, pars. 7).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Epicureanism and stoicism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On ethics Epicurus was one of the earliest philosophers to describe justice as a social duty. He defined justices an agreement â€Å"neither to harm nor to be harmed† (Konstan, pars.7). He believed that the essence of living under an authority that prescribes laws and punishments was basically to protect individuals from harm and thus enable them to pursue happiness. In a nut shell system incorporated advice on how people should perceive certain things. For instance, he advised people to stay away from politics if possible to avoid trouble, he also urged individuals not to think that gods were concerned bout them and their behaviours and the prospect of punishment in the afterlife. He regarded the role of sex and marriage in life as being dubious and acknowledged that friendship was an essential part of life. He advised people to maintain an open mind when there is no way verification could be achieved while reflecting on various â€Å"meteorological and planetary phenomena and explanations for processes as gravity and magnetism† (Barnes 47). And as an ethical guideline, Epicurus encouraged individuals to minimize harm and maximize happiness both for themselves and others. Three Arguments of Stoicism and Epicurean defences Stoicism can be identified as one of the newer schools of thought of the Hellenistic era. The stoics basically held that emotions rose due to faulty judgement and that an individual who attained intellectual and moral maturity was immune from them (Baltzly, pars. 1). Three of the best arguments advanced by the stoics are explained below. God as being present throughout the creation process and directing it to the last detail The stoics argued that God is similar to one of the two ungenerated and indestructible first principles of the universe (Baltzly, pars. 8). One of the principles is matter which they see as being basically inert or that which receive s an action. The stoics see God as being eternal or a smart fire that designs matter forms as per the plans it has set. The plan in this case is repeated over time beginning with a state in which everything is fire, followed by the synthesis of elements, to the formation of the world as we perceive it and then back to fire in a sort of an endless cycle.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The planning fire is compared to a sperm which contains the basic principles of everything thing that will eventually develop. With the same reasoning the stoics also refer to God as fate. And to them, God does not guide the universe from outside but rather from inside (Baltzly, pars. 6). Epicurean defence Epicureanism emphasized the neutral role played by the Gods. Unlike the stoics position that God played a role in human life, the epicureans believed that everything including gods, souls and all matter were made of atoms and the gods do not direct human life. According to the epicureans the gods possessed souls just as humans. The only difference was that their souls adhered to their bodies without escaping unlike in the human beings where the bonds were not strong (Long 163). Epicurean teaching explained that gods were so far to have any effect or interest in human life. They believed that the gods had nothing to do with the creation of the universe and could not offer blessings or punishment to human beings. Contrary to the stoic belief that God was intrinsic, the epicureans believed that the gods are extrinsic and were far away. The stoic argument that virtue is the most important human attribute (Annas 67) Stoicism upheld that the most important aspect of human life was virtue which relies on the strength of will (Konstan, pars. 10). The stoics emphasized that humans should strive to do right regardless of personal ambition or material. They pointed out that everything good or bad that happens in one’s life always happens for a reason to be found in one’s own actions. They advocated for self control as a means of overcoming the negative feelings and emotions. They believed that the resultant state of the mind was essential for better comprehension of life and spirituality (Long 78). For the stoics, anger, envy and jealousy were to be avoided and that the clearest road to wisdom was freedom from passion (Barnes 41). Epicurean defence Simila r to the stoics, the epicureans also advocated for virtuous livelihoods. However, unlike the stoics who asserted that the most important aspect of human life as by virtue which relies on the strength of will, the epicureans mainly focused on the attainment of pleasure as the most important aspects of human life (Annas 173). Epicurus philosophy was based on the notion that all good and bad derive from the sensations of pleasure and pain (Konstan, pars. 5). While the stoics felt that people were obliged to strive to control themselves in order to deter negative emotions, the epicureans saw the fear of death and punishment from gods as a major stumbling block towards the attainment of pleasure which was benchmarked by perfect mental peace (Konstan, pars. 8-9). Epicureans mainly advocated for good virtues due to their contribution towards the achievement of the greater pleasure. Epicurus believed that if harm was minimized on an individual as well as others then maximum happiness could be achieved. Arguments for the human soul The stoic considered the human soul as a â€Å"fragment of the universal divine force that was not completely sundered from the parent stock† (Barnes 67). The described the human soul as pneuma, which was described as having concurrent movements both inward and outward which accounted for its tensile form. The pneuma was described as having the ability to pass through every body when in an outward movement and therefore giving them the qualities that they possessed. Its movement towards the inside was responsible for their unification. According to the stoics, the fact that pneuma acted it was considered to be a body and its blending with matter was considered to a â€Å"through and through† affair (Konstan, pars. 10). Using this description, the stoics put forward a theory of mixture that enabled them to explain the idea of two bodies existing at the same place at the same time (Baltzly, pars. 8). Pneuma was thus to be found i n plants and animals. In rational animals, the pneuma hard other functions other than issuance of commands. This other functions include planning, thinking and deciding (Baltzly, pars. 9). The stoics attributed all the functions of the body that included movement including physiological functions such as digestion to the soul. Epicurean defence Unlike the stoics who thought the soul to be a â€Å"breath like material compound of two of the four stoic elements, fire and air†, Epicurus believed that the soul was composed of atoms just like any other matter but did not elaborate what constituted the atoms (Konstan, pars. 7). According to him, the atoms in the human soul were composed of known elements and additional nameless materials which were responsible for the ability to perceive. The ability of the living organisms to move, rest or warm them was attributed to fairly known substances or materials in Epicureanism but sense perception was left out on the basis that it was not party to the known or named elements (Konstan, pars. 11). The epicurean thinking attributed the mental functions of cognition, emotion and desire to the soul (Konstan, pars.12). Annas, Janet. The Morality of Happiness. Oxford : Oxford University press, 1993. Print Baltzly, Dirk. Stoicism The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2010. Web.12 April 2011. Barnes, Joseph. The Presocratic Philosophers. London : Routledge, 1982. Print. Konstan, David. Epicurus The stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy. 2009. Web.12 April 2011. Long, Arthur. The Cambridge Companion to Early Greek Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Print.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Graffiti Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Graffiti Art - Essay Example The new investigation technique is cracking down on gangs using GIS.As graffiti become the signature move for gangs, the police department is coming up with plans to take help of this illegal act for their positive purpose of busting the gang members. Each gang maintains its unique attributes. The weapons, their purpose and their future plans, can be calculated by these paintings in the streets. The GIS system is a combination of spreadsheets and Excel documents, which allocates graffiti locations and works to help mark the range of territory of the gangs. This system efficiently helped to trace ‘F-stones’, one of the reputed gang of the country. The book â€Å"Wallbangin’: graffiti and gangs in L.A’ written by Susan A. Phillips, begins with a short story of graffiti. The art started as a form of cultural and artistic combination at art. Everyone used to adore the beauty on streets but soon the evil side of US population took it as mean to symbolize their gangs and its activities. Susan enlightens the reader about how the habitat, ethics and culture of gangs affects the way they create graffiti. The book â€Å"Wallbangin’: graffiti and gangs in L.A’ written by Susan A. Phillips, begins with a short story of graffiti. The art started as a form of cultural and artistic combination at art. Everyone used to adore the beauty on streets but soon the evil side of US population took it as mean to symbolize their gangs and its activities. Susan enlightens the reader about how the habitat affects the way they create graffiti. ... Everyone used to adore the beauty on streets but soon the evil side of US population took it as mean to symbolize their gangs and its activities. Susan enlightens the reader about how the habitat, ethics and culture of gangs affects the way they create graffiti. They used it for impolite communication with the antagonistic gangs and also as a mean to create warning signals for the civilians or the security agencies. Los Angeles, as being a populated city serves as a home for many of these gangs marked by their graffiti art. The author of the book â€Å"the graffiti subculture: youth, masculinity, and identity in London and New York’, by Nancy Macdonald, addresses the topic ‘graffiti’ with a rather socialist and psychological approach. The greed for fame, authority and power rules the mind of every man who seeks for some kind of evil. The young blood involved in the acts more often. Researchers have observed that most of the wall paintings near to colleges and uni versities seem to advertise some of the nick names of the students or expressing some emotions that are hard to express. Graffiti became a lucky medium for students until the legal or illegal debate began. Also the writer expresses grief concern for graffiti leading to masculinity, which can also be a crime. In the book ‘legal guide for the visual artist†, author Crawford educates the people about the concern of growing number of ‘graffiti’ artists throughout the world, and especially in US urban center. The US government has criminalized the graffiti art-work and any person found guilty of thrashing a person’s property is held responsible and abducted. Under the law, graffiti is termed as engraving, painting, layering, drawing upon or

Friday, November 1, 2019

Advanced human resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Advanced human resource - Essay Example In 2014, Toyota has a net capital of 397.05 billion yen and it has 338,875 employees operating for accomplishing the organisational objectives (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2015). Toyota has been operating with highest market share in the world in the present day context. The company is also identified to be one of the largest companies in terms of revenue. Human Resource Department of the company has been identified to be facing Human Resource (HR) issues, which has been adversely affecting the operations of the business to a certain extent. For a company, human resource is ascertaining to be the main asset to develop and grow, as human resource facilitates in performing operations in accordance with organisational objective (Ekshan & Othman, 2009). The three HR issues faced by the company include training, negative behaviour, and employee engagement and commitment (Austenfeld, 2006). For making the employee perfect and efficient, effective training is needed to be provided, so that the employees are able to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently for accomplishing organisational objectives. Providing better training to the employees of the company helps in building up the right skills and knowledge of the subsequent products that are to be offered for meeting the preferences of the customers. Training is an important aspect for motivating as well as developing the competency of the employees, so that the employees are able to perform their operations on the basis of organisational needs. The objective of training involves mostly acquisition of knowledge needed for the staff to perform their function in a better way (Dyer, 2008). Negative behaviour in the organisation could affect the growth of the company. In addition, it affects the productivity and profitability of the organisation. In the organisation, the employees develop negative behaviour at the time